What's wrong with Star Trek Voyager? Apparently the Paramount Executives thought something was, they've fired Jennifier Lein. Why? We'll probably never know for certain, I guess they thought that new characters, will mean new interest. Personally, when a character disappears without explanation I generally get pissed off and watch something else. In this case, I'll make an exception, because I think that maybe the Paramount Executives might be on the right track. The original Star Trek kept our interest because space travel was a new idea to us. And also, because the series never took itself too seriously. That is the problem with both DS9 and Voyager. Voyager also needs and Underdog. The original Star Trek had one in Spock (neither purely Human or Vulcan, he was constantly fighting with himself as to where he belonged). He was constantly badgered by McCoy, but we knew deep down McCoy considered him a friend. The comradery between the 3 main characters is what I liked best about the old series, and the comic relief it generated. The new shows are like watching a Math class. We'll generate a subspace taceon emission ....... who gives a rat's ...... Let's be honest, we watch Science Fiction for escapism (If you want scientific accuracy, that's what DISCOVERY CHANNEL IS FOR.) The main things that are missing in Voyager, that it needs are: 1. More Fun less Drama 2. More Additive multishow storylines (I can't stand soap operas but you got to admit they've some of the best writers in this regards and you end up wanting to find out what happened to Adam Chandler despite yourself). The Writers of Babylon 5 have learned this lesson. 3. An Underdog, someone to root for: 7 of 9 could fall into this category. Everyone hate's her and she'll have an uphill battle convincing them she's one of the gang. 4. Less Starch, there are no Harry Mudd's in the show, everyone is so sickening perfect (kind of like the cosby show). At Least DS9 has Quark to liven things up. 5. More Sex, Captain Kirk had more sex in one episode than the entire crew has had to date. Even Data in the Next Generation (an android) had a girlfriend for awhile (remember what he did with Tasha Yar.) I think a good plot line would be to have 7 of 9 get involved with Jakotae. After all they did join mentally in order to sever her connection with the continuim, so he wouldn't be a total stranger to her. 6. Once In a while, a humorous episode (you'll notice it in the remakes of the old series (the trouble with tribbles on Ds9) (amok time on The Next Generation) that have been made. 7. Shore leave, you'll notice the old series alot of the time, they were beaming down to a planet, and alot of the scenes were shot outside. I don't know about you but I'm getting claustrophobic. They know it is going to take them 70 years to get home, meaning Tevok will probably have his own condo on decks 1 thru 12 by the time they get there, so why don't they take a breather now and then.